As promised I'm back here to write a little something about these images from my last trip to Manila and Hong Kong. Dismal as the winter was in NYC, it was a no-brainer to decide that I leave for Asia to secure some part-time consulting work and also spend some quality time with my parents in Manila. I spotted this really arresting billboard walking the hilly streets near the LKF area in Hong Kong. I just love the whole concept for the ad. I have always thought about doing a line of tees for the urban set in Manila, and these type tees just reminded me of that.
In Manila, I also got a chance to finally be taken around to some art galleries where I could view the works of emerging contemporary filipino artists. My cousin Mikki and her husband Mike made sure to lead me to the best gallery spots; I even got to meet some of the artists in person. The subject matter of the two paintings I include here intrigue me, because they remind me of the huge economic disparity and social extremes that exist in the Philippines, and yet there is an optimism that has always prevailed in the spirit of the people: life goes on. I will have to sort out the artist names, and give credit where it is due here, but take a look at these paintings. Thanks.