Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rodrigo Peña Loves a Brooklyn Diner!

It's been almost a year since my last entry...and here I am. Was at a Brooklyn Diner last week with friends "born and raised" in these parts. They've taught me a thing or two about the REAL New York. Pastrami, Egg Creams and Cannoli just to name a few! Oh, and let's not forget about the local bagels...AND a smear! I'm back in Brooklyn, living here, working for myself...and have a few website and apparel projects in the works.

I'm still doing website work for the Heights Chateau Wine & Spirits's been quite a year of learning about eCommerce, but we're still doing my partner Robert and I must be doing something right! Stay Tuned...I'm hoping to keep this updated with "inspirations for my motivations" more regularly.

The first half of 2010 had me involved in another business venture, this time with two other partners—a story that is best not told about here, and forgotten. The experience left me with a least a couple of years of what I might have learned in any reputable business school and I spent practically nothing for it, except for the long hours I put into setting up and managing a small retail store in an urban area. No easy feat when you are doing most of it yourself. Sales, Marketing, Design and a website that was created and never launched. The School of Hard truly the best and fastest way to learn. Luckily, I had my freelance work to fall back on, and by 2011 I plan to be back on track pursuing what I started in 2007. I'm collaborating with some other interested parties and designing t-shirts again! When the projects have developed a bit...I'll have more news! 'Til then, wake up each day and just do your best..always!

Addendum in 2015:
I ultimatley said good-bye to the t-shirts! I have evolved and focusing on other creative pursuits...besides H&M and URBAN OUTFITTERS...just to name a couple are distribuing more t-shirts world-wide at less than $15 a shirt sometimes...really!....who can compete with that?...LOL.